'Rules of dress for the domestic gent' tea towel IMG_0014.jpg

'Rules of dress for the domestic gent' tea towel

Emboidered velvet slippers eeae2fa8-5def-4018-8dbc-1e085a82be95.JPG

Emboidered velvet slippers

Montague Ede voucher.jpg

Gift Voucher

Pair of marcella Waistcoat Slips in white

Pair of marcella Waistcoat Slips in white

MontagueEde-July18[IW]-7 copy.jpg MontagueEde-July18[IW]-2.jpg

Black Moire Braces with silver metal clasp and black woven ends

MontagueEde-July18[IW]-6 copy.jpg MontagueEde-July18[IW]-2.jpg
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White Moire Braces with gilt metal clasp and white woven ends

MontagueEde-July18[IW]-4 copy.jpg MontagueEde-July18[IW]-2.jpg

Burgundy boxcloth Braces with gilt metal clasp and black leather ends

MontagueEde-July18[IW]-5 copy.jpg MontagueEde-July18[IW]-2.jpg

Grey boxcloth Braces with gilt metal clasp and white leather ends

MontagueEde-July18[IW]-3 copy.jpg MontagueEde-July18[IW]-2.jpg
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Emerald green boxcloth braces with gilt metal clasp and white leather ends

Green flat edited.JPG Green triangle edited.JPG

Montague Ede pheasant silk madder pocket square, green

Red flat edited.JPG Red triangle edited.JPG

Montague Ede pheasant silk madder pocket square, wine

Blue flat edited.JPG Trio edited.JPG
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Montague Ede pheasant silk madder pocket square, navy

Navy stripe dressing gown MontagueEde[IW]-84.jpg

Navy stripe dressing gown

Blue dot dressing gown MontagueEde[IW]-47.jpg
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Blue dot dressing gown

Grey dot flannel dressing gown, MontagueEde[IW]-47.jpg
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Grey dot flannel dressing gown,

Keeper's tweed flatcap yTnzrVhdQ5mex8OViliTyw.jpg

Keeper's tweed flatcap

Mid blue herringbone flatcap %1DG1lFnTWK6K+ncavX1vQ.jpg

Mid blue herringbone flatcap

Green tweed check flatcap IMG_1627.jpg

Green tweed check flatcap

Petrol blue flatcap IMG_1629 2.jpg
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Petrol blue flatcap
